A Premier Wrestling Academy in Alabama
Located in Gadsden, AL at the Gadsden Mall, The Spartan Wrestling Academy is the best option for those who are serious about becoming a professional wrestler. We are dedicated to the development of professional wrestling's future stars and have the most affordable tuition around.
Before you begin this Journey….. (Please Read It All)
Professional wrestling is more than a sport; it’s a show​.​ The largest Wrestling/Sports Entertainment company in the world, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) looks for wrestling skill, body strength and talent, but also showmanship, performance and personality. This kind of professional wrestling combines the physical challenge of traditional competitive wrestling with the entertainment of a live show. If you enjoy wrestling and have the kind of charisma it takes to build a wrestling persona, then this may be for you. You may have thought about professional wrestling as a career. However, it can be harder than you might expect to break into the sport.
How it begins.....
There’s an obvious start to a wrestling career, and that’s the physical portion. Work to keep your body in shape, build visible muscle and develop the cardiovascular endurance required to put on a physically demanding show. Look for pro wrestling trainers who can help develop a program that will focus on the strength and flexibility required in wrestling, as well as the correct movements and timing required to be successful in the ring. This will help you build the kind of body you see on wrestlers performing on WWE.
In addition, you’ll want to develop your charisma. Acting, public speaking, and entertaining crowds are also critical skills for a professional wrestler. Explore different styles of sports entertainment and wrestling professionals. Choose a wrestling school that will help you develop yourself and your personal character. You can get involved in community efforts or even take classes on how to be an effective and enthusiastic performer.
Wrestling Schools, Trainers, and Companies.....
Most professional wrestlers start out in wrestling as a sport, so it’s a good idea to get involved there as well. Local promotions will often offer training and practice as well as competitions/exhibitions where you can hone your skills. Starting at this lower level, where the focus is more on traditional wrestling than performance, will help you develop the instinctive skills you’ll need when on the big stage. Training and competition will help you develop signature moves, too, which helps develop your character.
There are several wrestling schools and training centers across the country. Most of them are run by former professional wrestlers, who often open gyms and schools to encourage individuals to learn their styles. The Spartan Academy is the largest most active wrestling school in the State of Alabama classes several days a week while still having the lowest tuition of any wrestling school we have ever encountered. Plus, we are associated with Spartan Wrestling (A nonprofit company) who produces weekly live events and local fundraising events for charity, offering students multiple opportunities to hone their skills.
No matter what school you choose, you should expect a good couple of years of training master the basics. The most important thing to do during this time is to find a trainer(s) or coach(es) willing to mentor you and help you promote yourself. You’ll need someone who can network with existing rings, promotions, and shows/events. Often, these schools will also have competitions and performances that provide opportunities for you to practice.
Building a Professional Wrestling Career.....
The most important thing to consider about professional wrestling is your commitment to the career. Even professional wrestlers that have made it big, like the Rock, suggest having a backup plan, and they have no qualms discussing how hard it can be to break into the sport.
For your first few years, you’ll need to travel a lot, moving from show to show to build your wrestling resume. It’s likely you won’t make much money during those years. In fact, it is common to spend more than you make in the beginning to create more opportunities to improve your abilities and eventual brand. So be prepared to have a separate source of income with a flexible schedule.
Medical school and other trades require large tuitions and years of study as well as internship with a current average cost of $55,000 a year for your education. The Spartan Academy costs nowhere near that much as the first year cost of the Beginners’ Class tuition is $2,310 and is due on the day you sign your Academy Membership Contract. However, if financing is needed. The payment plan listed on your contract can be used for up to 12 months. Then only $360 ($30 per month) a year after that as a gym membership for as long you wish. Some people make the mistake of thinking after training for a few months, or years, that their training is over. Not True! Any real athlete will tell you; training never ends. Kobe Bryant nor any other professional athletes got where they are by only practicing until he started playing weekly games /competitions. They were honing Their skills several times a week, if not every day.
The real money you’ll spend is on a weekly/monthly basis doing the drives, and buying and updating your gear or outfits. So instead of paying large tuitions, you are paying for your education one gas tank and outfit at a time. Plan on spending about $1,000 the first year, just on your gear. Also plan on putting hundreds to thousands of miles on your car.
It’s essential to put in this time because top wrestling companies like the WWE, AWE, and Impact wrestling usually require at least three years of experience on the circuit. You’ll want to show three to five years of development, highlighting your best shows with film and photos and demonstrate how you’ve built a character and a following during this time. Obviously, there are exceptions to this rule, but it is rare.
Some people are content with being a weekend warrior, with no plans of ever leaving home and just want to preform locally. There is no harm in that, and it can be very fulfilling. Others want to main event WrestleMania.
Both journeys begin with a tryout…..
Are you ready for yours?
Classroom Training
At the Spartan Academy, not only do you get in ring training, but we also spend time with you in a classroom setting. It is just as important, if not more so, to know why and when to do wrestling moves. Rather than just how to do them.

Guest Trainers
Tracy Taylor & Johnny Swinger are just a few of the trainers at the Spartan Academy

Character Development
Not only do you train in groups, but you also have the opportunity to train one on one with Your character and persona in mind. There is so much more to it than just learning to bump.

In Ring Training
When you step into the ring at the Spartan Academy, you get the opportunity to learn every aspect of Professional Wrestling.

Years of Experience
The head trainer Joshua O'Hagan is passionate about passing down everything he has learned in his career.

Live Matches
Between house shows, birthday parties, and exhibitions, there is no shortage of opportunities for you to get ring time to hone your skills. From mat wrestling, to high flying you can learn it all here.

So where do you begin?
Step 1
Try Out
$50 Fee
We know that wrestling isn't for everyone. We do not want you to spend a lot of money to find out if this is what you really want to be a part of. For the ridiculously low fee of only $50 you can try out with the Spartan Wrestling Academy and find out if this is right for you. Before you join the school.
Step 2
Sign up
$600 Down Payment
Once you have passed the tryout and the Spartan Wrestling Academy staff feel you can proceed, then you may join the Academy with a $600 down payment. Now the work really begins.
Step 3
Beginners, Advanced, & Continued Education Classes
Classes can be as low as $200 a month
for the First 12 months.
Then Continued Education For Trainees As Well As Established Wrestlers is $40 a Month
Trainees are expected to make a 12 month commitment to complete their training, for beginner to wrestler at a cost of $3,000 for the year. Then they can advance to Continued education classes for $40 a month.
Day Pass
Day Passes
$20 - Day Pass to a regular training session
Whether you are an acomplished wrestler who wants to knock some rust off or a traveler passing thru, we can offer you a great atmosphere and facilities to train at.
One On One Advanced Training
$25 Per hour
Even the most talented and advanced wrestlers need some occasional One on One training time to work on new moves, and try out new ideas. With several Trainers to choose from, this can be an amazing asset to your advancement in the ring.