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Frank "The Flame" Barnhill was born July 7, 1961.
In the Early 80's he and his friend "The Hustler" Tim Truett went to Alex City, AL and began training to become professional wrestlers. They traveled all over the South East and worked everywhere they could.
In 1992 Frank met Big Shane Anderson. They two quickly became friends and formed a tag team that spanned over a decade.
In 1998 Frank opened Alabama Championship Wrestling. There he had an amazing variety of established stars as well as large number of students who became stars. Every major star who passed through the State of Alabama from 1998 -2005 spent time at ACW in Anniston, AL
Frank loved people. He spent his days managing local restaurants and feeding the under privileged. Then his nights as a professional wrestler & promoter.
Frank Barnhill died on May 7, 2005 of congestive heart failure.
His funeral procession consisting of family, friends, and fans spanned over six miles in length.
Frank left a lasting impression on everyone he met. He is not only missed, but memories of him are cherished still to this day.
His impact was so undeniable, that he was the FIRST person ever inducted into the Alabama Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame!
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